7 practical steps to deter a burglar


7 practical steps to deter a burglar

1. Lock your home

Sounds obvious, but make sure your home is locked when you go out or sleep. Always lock windows and security doors – portes asfaleias. Installing a security lock enhances the safety of your house.

Placing bolts on sliding doors adds an extra barrier to protection. Even if you are at home during the day, you should know that it only takes a few seconds for someone to invade and get something while you are in another part of the house.

2. Do not leave the keys out

While most of us know not to leave a key out, we often do it! Thieves can guess all the hidden spots – under the rug, on the window sill, under pots, in the mailbox or under the counter – so do not take the risk.

If you want to have a security lock – kleidaries asfaleias – spare key available, in an emergency, leave a key to a neighbour or friend you trust. It is also a good idea to not give keys to your workers as they can easily be copied.

3. Install an alarm

Security alarms have proven to be the most effective way to deter thieves and the most effective alarms are those that can be seen from the street. Install one from a reputable company.

4. Lock all the doors of the house

The rear and side entrances allow access to your home, making it a dream run for thieves to break in and penetrate, so make sure all rear and side doors are locked as well.

5. Lock garden sheds and garages

Garden sheds are full of tools and things that thieves can use to break into your house, so be sure to lock them as well as the doors between the house and the garage.

Do not leave valuable objects such as bicycles, kayaks and grass machines outside even when you are at home – thieves will take them too.

6. Install motion sensors

Prune trees and plants near windows and doors as they provide cover for thieves. Motion sensors will help prevent burglars.

7. Do not share on social media that you left home

Your absence makes your property more vulnerable to theft. Try to keep your home as alive as possible. Ask a neighbour to collect mail so that it is not obvious that you are away. Be careful not to advertise on Facebook or other social media platforms that you left home for the summer or August holidays.

Install security doors and security locks

Prevention is the key to safeguarding your property against burglary. Installing a security door with the appropriate new generation security lock keeps your valuables safe.

Read more about security doors: